Sunday 1 October 2017

Benefits of Drinking Water in Copper vessel

Benefits of Drinking Water in the Copper vessels.

For thousands of years, Indians and many other Asian countries have known the benefits of drinking water from Copper Vessels. Ancient Ayurvedic scriptures have stated many health benefits of storing water in copper vessels. Now, the current medical studies are also supporting this ancient Ayurvedic practice.

What exactly happens when you store water in a copper vessel?

When water is stored in a copper vessel overnight or for over eight hours, a very small amount of copper ions gets dissolved into the water. This process is called Oligodynamic effect which has the ability to destroy a wide range of harmful microbes, molds, fungi etc.

What does Ayurveda say?

Ayurveda states that when you drink water stored in a copper vessel, it has the ability to balance all the three doshas in our body i.e, Vata, Pitta and Kapha and also has many health benefits 

This happens because copper vessel positively charges the water. The therapeutic water from a copper vessel is called Tamra jal in Sanskrit.  The traces of copper in a Tamra jal are safe and in fact, healthy.

Health Benefits and Correct Way of drinking water stored in Copper Vessels

The right way to drink water from a copper vessel:

1. First, it is very important to buy vessels that are made of Pure Copper. Do not buy the ones that have other metals mixed in it.

2.  Once you have bought it, rinse it out thoroughly with water. Then fill it with water and cover it. Let the water rest for 6 hours (minimum) to 8 hours (maximum) and then drink it.

3. You can follow this ancient Ayurvedic practice:

Keep water in a copper vessel overnight by your bedside and drink this water first thing in the morning when you wake up. This particular practice is very useful in stimulating your bowel movements in the morning. This practice will keep your digestive system very healthy and set your metabolism for rest of the day. You will feel very refreshed and light every day.

Benefits of drinking water stored in a copper vessel:

1. Prevents water-borne diseases

2. Helps the digestive system to perform well

3. Aids in weight loss

4. Slows down aging

5. Good for heart health

6. Maintains hemoglobin level

7. Regulates the working of the thyroid glands

8. Stimulates the brain

9. Its anti-inflammatory

10. Fights free radicals

How much is too much?

– Drinking water from copper vessel has numerous health benefits but this does not mean that you can drink this water all day long.

– Drinking water stored in the copper vessel once in the early morning and then in the evening is more than enough to get required amount of copper for our body.

– Remember you should not drink this copper vessel water all year long. Once you start drinking water stored in a copper vessel you can continue this practice for three months and then take a break for one month (stop drinking water stored in the copper vessel). After a one month break, you can continue drinking water again from a copper vessel for next three months. This gives our body time to remove any excess copper deposited in our body. The body has its own mechanism of eliminating the excess of anything.

Saturday 9 September 2017

I Love You Dad For All That You Did For Me But I Do Still Miss Our Cycle Rides

I Love You Dad For All That You Did For Me But I Do Still Miss Our Cycle Rides: Those were the days before scooters were introduced, people travelled would travel on cycle. I knew one such common man who travelled on a cycle

Sunday 3 September 2017

Shilpa Shetty has just posted a pic with Rekhajee on the Instagram and we think they both have bribed the Gods of Ageing!

Rekhajee has been my favourite actress since forever now. She is a heart-throb of a million and when she poses with poise with the ever gorgeous Shilpa Shetty they take the internet by storm!

So what makes these two beauties so ravishing???

The answer is Yoga!

The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, ... Yoga is an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with the environment.
As for these two beauties it seems they have successfully managed to bribe the Gods of aging!
Jokes apart,
All the celebrities are very cautious regarding their workouts regime. They like to include different types of fitness mantra and workouts to give unique shape to their body. Very few Bollywood celebs like to embrace Yoga as an integral part of their workout plan. Shilpa Shetty and Rekha are the one's  who are  devoted to Yoga. The credit of Shilpa Shetty and Rekha's stunning bodies and gorgeous look goes to yoga that helps to tone their figure and flawless skin.
Though, these Bollywood heartthrobs perform various yoga poses to be fit physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.  Here, get the list of  yoga  poses for weight loss, tummy loss, fat burning and flat belly.

1. Dhanurasana for belly fat

The Bow pose yoga is very useful in weight loss as it give maximum stretching to the body. It is beneficial for backache, diabetes, asthma, constipation and piles.

2.Natrajasana for hips fat

It is also called Lord of the Dancers pose. This is good for strengthening the arms, legs and improves the balance of the body.

3.Chakrasana for slim waist

The wheel pose has the power to delay aging if practice properly and regularly. It is good for asthmatic patients and persons experiencing respiratory problems. It provides adequate flexibility to the vertebral column.

4.Bhujangasana for flat stomach

The cobra pose is one of the important yogasanas for flat belly. It is one of the few yoga poses that benefits the body from head to toes. It is good to relieve backache, acts like as stress buster, and enhances digestion. It is an important yoga pose that prevents women from many gynecological disorders. It is beneficial in case of thyroid problems and slipped disc.

5.Vakrasana yoga for belly fat

The twisting yoga pose is helpful in making the spine flexible and supple. It is effective in case of diabetes, improving lungs capacity and dyspepsia.

6.Ustrasana for abdominal fat

Burning abdominal fat through Yoga? Try Ustrasana. Ustrasana is one of the few yoga poses, which is beneficial in reducing belly fat if practiced after knowing its simple and correct procedures.

7.Padhastasana for obesity

The arm leg pose is helpful in overcoming obesity and relieving constipation. Padhastasana is one of the yoga poses in Surya Namaskar. It is good for cholesterol thus helps in reducing blood pressure and beneficial for cardiac problems

8.Halasana for tummy fat

The plough pose is having many health benefits. It is good for those who are having thyroid problems. It is helpful for diabetes, piles, constipation and dyspepsia.

Hi Shilpa and Rekhajee!
Thank you for the perfection! We know we need to go yoga every morning to look as beautiful and ravishing as you both!
We love you!

The entire internet admirers!

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Say NO to "Depression!!" Correct your Lifestyle.

When was the last time you got extremely irritated , depressed or felt worth nothing? Well, if it was not long ago then you are likely suffering from an eating disorder.
Eating disorder can develop during any stage in ones life but typically appear during the teenage years or young adulthood. It is a condition classified as a medical disorder. Although these conditions are treatable the symptoms and consequences can be detrimental and deadly if not addressed. It can lead to anxiety, disorders, substance abuse or depression.
Although the exact cause is still unknown it is believed that biological, psychological, as well as environmental conditions and abnormalities can contribute to these illness.
Signs and symptoms of eating disorders are:
1. Constant weight fluctuations
3.Irritation and anger
4.avoidance of social functions, family and friends.
5. Becoming isolated.
6.Switching between periods of overeating and fasting.
Anyone from a prince to a pauper can fall victim to these life threatening illness. It is more of an imbalance in your lifestyle and can be corrected with a change in one's habits. With the increase in social media and luxurious lifestyles more and more people are falling prey to these illnesses.
What can be done to correct this disorder? Well, the very first lesson we have learnt from our elders is, "Going to bed in time!" As a child I remember my grandmother often recieting the quote, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a person Healthy, Wealthy and wise!" With the modern western influence on our lives we seem to have forgotten this wisdom taught in every Indian household. Not only Kids, but the new generation grandparents and parents are addicted to the social media and are seen glued to the gadgets till late night. Once we fix this 50% of the job is done. Of course one also needs to correct the food habits and the exercise routine which I will be elaborating in my next blogs...
Eating disorders are also viewed as a western world influence.Thanks to the magazines, commercials, TV. Shows, movies and online marketing strategies which showcase thin women as's standard of beauty look is different from the women in the past. We are made to believe that Thin is beautiful, many of us get influenced and land up in hospitals. Well it is not about eating less it is all about eating correct at correct time. Eating Freshly cooked meals would solve 90% of our problems.
Next time you go grocery shopping try not to go to the supermarket, try to go to a local vendor where you can pick up vegetables, Fruits, and groceries from the local farmer's Market.
What happens when you eat fresh Local food?
1. It gives you fuel
2. It doesn't make you fat
3. You stay away from eating disorders
4. Keeps your metabolism working
5. Keeps your energy levels up
6. Makes you happy
7. Makes you strong
8. Makes you look younger
9. Make you think better
10. Life becomes awesome
Just skip the diets, change the habits
It's Simple... Live, Love and Eat Healthy!

Wednesday 9 August 2017


Do you pick up fruits and vegetables that look too good to be true? Then you might be choosing wrong..these fruits and vegetables may be bad for you.

Have you ever thought why the watermelon that we ate in your childhood days was not as sweet as it is nowadays?Well, some Vendors maybe injecting sugared syrup into the fruit to make it sweeter and heavier.

They might also be injecting some dyes to make them look brighter. These colours can be toxic and a major cause of concern. Not only watermelon but there are other fruits and  vegetables as well that are tampered with.

The mangoes that look perfect might be ripened artificially rather than naturally, Eating may be hazardous to your health,
Apples are coated with wax not always edible kind to make them look brighter and glossier.

Since fruits harvested ripe have a shorter shelf life, some farmers and suppliers are known to artificially ripen them to stay looking fresh for a longer time. Often chemicals like calcium Carbide and ethylene are used for this process.

Calcium Carbide is the same chemical used to manufacture Fire Crackers. It contains phosphorous and releases acetylene gas, which fastens the process of ripening and is extremely toxic.

The problem with off season fruits and vegetables is that they are not locally available and are not fresh as they are kept in cold storage, hence they too are adulterated.

So how can you distinguish  between  non adulterated and adulterated fruits and vegetables? 

It is very difficult nowadays as everything has become commercialized but little bit of knowledge and alertness while choosing the fruits and vegetables might make a difference. 

Pick your fruits and vegetables wisely at a local market.If it looks too perfect, too uniform in shape and size and colour, it is likely been tampered with.  This fruit will also be low on flavour and often not so sweet as it should be, since artificial ripening means the flesh is not fully ripe inside.

There are certain Ripe tests which might help choose right:

a) For Artificial Colour: Rub the surface of the fruit or vegetable with a cotton ball soaked in water and vegetables oil. The cotton ball will pick an additional colour.

b) Place the piece of a fruit or a vegetable in a glass of water and let it stand for 30 minutes. The colour of water will tell you if the produce has been artificially stained.

c)To detect wax Polish: Scratch the surface of the fruit or vegetable with a blade, if a clear wax coating comes need to find a new Vendor!

To remove surface chemicals at home, soaking the vegetables and fruits in  water and white vinegar is useful.

Grapes can be soaked in salt water or vinegar solution and thoroughly rinsed to wash of chemicals.

Apples can be washed in hot water for a few minutes and wiped carefully to remove wax.

Peeling fruits helps too.

Banana and papaya are the safest.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Diet Tips for Monsoon!

We all love monsoon season and are eager to welcome rain showers after the scorching summer heat.But monsoon brings along certain health  issues with it. This is because the vaayu in the air increases and hence reduces the immunity of our body. People get affected by allergies, infections, indigestion, specially during this season, therefore we must keep our body resistant against such diseases. Avoid street food, junk food, oily food and all type of foods that are prepared in bulk.

Do not eat if you are not hungry..this is the mantra for monsoon, consume less food as the body is prone to indigestion and illness.

Health Tips for Monsoon:

1. The damp and filthy air is the root cause of illness and plays host to disease causing germs like Dengue, Malaria,typhoid, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, gastro intestinal disturbances, diarhea and dysentery.Maintaining healthy diet will protect you from such diseases. 

2. Eat seasonal fruits like Apples, pears, pomgranate, guava to restore energy. Avoid watermelon and muskmelons. Avoid mangoes as they may cause pimples. 

3.Eating watery food like muskmelons, watermelons, rice, chaas, lassi etc will cause swelling on the body hence switch to dry food like roti, bhakri,corn, gram flour, chickpeas etc.

4. Have medium salt intake as it is responsible for high Blood pressure. 

5.Add garlic to your soups and vegetables.

6.Drink Boiled and purified water to protect yourself from harmful germs.

7.Consume vegetables like bitter gourd, cluster beans, field beans,etc. Add turmeric powder and fenugreek seeds to your preparations to help fight infections.

8. Consume drying and light oils, avoid peanut, til (sesame) or mustard oil.

9. Avoid spicy food if suffering from skin energies as spices increases the body temperature and stimulates blood circulation which leads to allergies and skin problems.

10.Avoid Fish and Meat and also heavy curries instead stick to stew and soups.

11. Avoid tamarind and tomatoes.

12.Drink ginger tea, or kadha (Maharashtrian herbal tea a remedy for cough)

Thursday 13 July 2017

Your food is your Medicine

Every individual should take a proper balanced diet according to his health. A well balanced and nutritious diet consist of proteins, vitamins, starch, fats and water in adequate quantity. It is always better to intake 10% less food rather than stuffing yourself and overeating just because it is tasty.

Along with a balanced and nutritious diet it is also necessary to include milk, buttermilk, water and fruits in your daily routine.

Every season has a different climate and every climate has a different impact on different individuals as every individual has a different body type. Therefore it is extremely important to understand what the diet should be in different climate. Here in India, we have three season's, Winter, Summer and Rainy therefore the food intake should be according to the climate and the local and seasonal fruits and vegetables available in that particular area.

In Winter, your diet should be sweet, smooth and oily. In winter you need lots of energy therefore it is necessary to drink good amount of milk, ghee and sweets made of jaggery. Amla, Spinach,green vegetables, sugarcane, tomatoes, brinjal are the fruits and vegetables that grow during this season therefore you should include these in your diet during this season to keep you active.

In India summer falls after winter, this is the season when you change your diet, as the sun's heat increases so does the kapha in your body starts melting . Therefore start eating dry food like roasted chana, dried roti, bhakri etc. during the beginning of spring itself. You feel less hungry during this season, avoid oily, heavy food. Lemon juice, butter milk, curds, raw mango juice with jaggery should be taken. You will stay active and feel good during this season too.

In rainy season (Vaayu ) is increased. The climate is humid hence the food is not digested properly,try eating less. I personally eat only once a day. And evening very light food which  normally consist of simple moong khichadi. It is necessary to eat citrus fruits as well and lime and ginger juice during this season. Food should be simple with less oil. Avoid leafy vegetables and include legumes in this season. This is the season when people suffer with different diseases like bronchitis, maleria, jaundice etc. Acidity increases in this season therefore take a proper diet.

To conclude it is rightly said your food should be your Medicine!