Wednesday 9 August 2017


Do you pick up fruits and vegetables that look too good to be true? Then you might be choosing wrong..these fruits and vegetables may be bad for you.

Have you ever thought why the watermelon that we ate in your childhood days was not as sweet as it is nowadays?Well, some Vendors maybe injecting sugared syrup into the fruit to make it sweeter and heavier.

They might also be injecting some dyes to make them look brighter. These colours can be toxic and a major cause of concern. Not only watermelon but there are other fruits and  vegetables as well that are tampered with.

The mangoes that look perfect might be ripened artificially rather than naturally, Eating may be hazardous to your health,
Apples are coated with wax not always edible kind to make them look brighter and glossier.

Since fruits harvested ripe have a shorter shelf life, some farmers and suppliers are known to artificially ripen them to stay looking fresh for a longer time. Often chemicals like calcium Carbide and ethylene are used for this process.

Calcium Carbide is the same chemical used to manufacture Fire Crackers. It contains phosphorous and releases acetylene gas, which fastens the process of ripening and is extremely toxic.

The problem with off season fruits and vegetables is that they are not locally available and are not fresh as they are kept in cold storage, hence they too are adulterated.

So how can you distinguish  between  non adulterated and adulterated fruits and vegetables? 

It is very difficult nowadays as everything has become commercialized but little bit of knowledge and alertness while choosing the fruits and vegetables might make a difference. 

Pick your fruits and vegetables wisely at a local market.If it looks too perfect, too uniform in shape and size and colour, it is likely been tampered with.  This fruit will also be low on flavour and often not so sweet as it should be, since artificial ripening means the flesh is not fully ripe inside.

There are certain Ripe tests which might help choose right:

a) For Artificial Colour: Rub the surface of the fruit or vegetable with a cotton ball soaked in water and vegetables oil. The cotton ball will pick an additional colour.

b) Place the piece of a fruit or a vegetable in a glass of water and let it stand for 30 minutes. The colour of water will tell you if the produce has been artificially stained.

c)To detect wax Polish: Scratch the surface of the fruit or vegetable with a blade, if a clear wax coating comes need to find a new Vendor!

To remove surface chemicals at home, soaking the vegetables and fruits in  water and white vinegar is useful.

Grapes can be soaked in salt water or vinegar solution and thoroughly rinsed to wash of chemicals.

Apples can be washed in hot water for a few minutes and wiped carefully to remove wax.

Peeling fruits helps too.

Banana and papaya are the safest.

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