Thursday 13 July 2017

Your food is your Medicine

Every individual should take a proper balanced diet according to his health. A well balanced and nutritious diet consist of proteins, vitamins, starch, fats and water in adequate quantity. It is always better to intake 10% less food rather than stuffing yourself and overeating just because it is tasty.

Along with a balanced and nutritious diet it is also necessary to include milk, buttermilk, water and fruits in your daily routine.

Every season has a different climate and every climate has a different impact on different individuals as every individual has a different body type. Therefore it is extremely important to understand what the diet should be in different climate. Here in India, we have three season's, Winter, Summer and Rainy therefore the food intake should be according to the climate and the local and seasonal fruits and vegetables available in that particular area.

In Winter, your diet should be sweet, smooth and oily. In winter you need lots of energy therefore it is necessary to drink good amount of milk, ghee and sweets made of jaggery. Amla, Spinach,green vegetables, sugarcane, tomatoes, brinjal are the fruits and vegetables that grow during this season therefore you should include these in your diet during this season to keep you active.

In India summer falls after winter, this is the season when you change your diet, as the sun's heat increases so does the kapha in your body starts melting . Therefore start eating dry food like roasted chana, dried roti, bhakri etc. during the beginning of spring itself. You feel less hungry during this season, avoid oily, heavy food. Lemon juice, butter milk, curds, raw mango juice with jaggery should be taken. You will stay active and feel good during this season too.

In rainy season (Vaayu ) is increased. The climate is humid hence the food is not digested properly,try eating less. I personally eat only once a day. And evening very light food which  normally consist of simple moong khichadi. It is necessary to eat citrus fruits as well and lime and ginger juice during this season. Food should be simple with less oil. Avoid leafy vegetables and include legumes in this season. This is the season when people suffer with different diseases like bronchitis, maleria, jaundice etc. Acidity increases in this season therefore take a proper diet.

To conclude it is rightly said your food should be your Medicine!

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