Tuesday 4 July 2017


The Progress of modern Civilization has led to an increasing concentration of population, as a result man has lost the connection with nature and its rich, beautiful bounty.

Never before in history, the average man or woman had  been fed so well and yet are so poorly nourished.  Innumerable time assuring, preserved, refrigerated, chemically processed food items are being promoted and sold with all vigor for making them commercialized. Such foods can never substitute the wholesome and natural food.

The diet plays an important role in correcting many diseases and disorders. It is with an appropriate selection of food that we can restore the damage caused to our health.

It was primarily through selection  of natural vegetables, Fruits, dried fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and special protective food like milk, curd and honey that our ancestors could stay fit and healthy.

One needs to understand that your body is made up of cells, and each cell has its own lifespan, old cells die and get replaced by new cells, these new cells often have imperfections causing ageing in Humans  and animals as well.

These unhealthy  cells can get accelerated with consumption of unhealthy food habits, smoking and drinking.

Therefore each time we  choose to pop in something that is sugar laden or processed, we invite ourselves with serious health issues.

Is this not Alarming?
This itself is Alarming because you obviously care for your family and yourself!

The only remedy is go back to your Roots, eat health from nature.Fresh fruits and vegetables blends must make a large portion of your meals. Make power packed meals with nutrients that help your body keep away from ailments.

It's not from the outside but from the inside that you need to change..next time you are planning to go grocery shopping try going to the local vendor instead, pick up vegetables and fruits with high nutritional value. You will slowly but surely begin to see changes in yourself!


The best way to gauge your current and future health is to ask yourself,"How are you feeling at the moment?" The answer is with you and only you.Do you feel weak or do you feel pain, filled with lot of energy , take it to the world or do you feel fat, tired and miserable.

It's time to look at yourself and ask, Is my  food  making me strong and more resistant to weakening diseases? Or is it making it difficult for my body to do what it needs to stay healthy?"


For any corrective action to begin , You must feel uncomfortable with the existing state of being.  When you are pushed into asking yourself questions that make you feel uncomfortable, you will start finding appropriate solutions to those questions and to situations that make you feel comfortable.

Such questions emerge from your heart and the quest to stay fit begins.

* why am I the way I am?
*What should I do to make a real difference?
* Where should I look for help?
*Which of these options is the best one for me?
*Who can be my guide?
* How to reach my Health goal?

And the answers to these lead you to success!

Monday 3 July 2017

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations!

Benefits of Surya Namaskar!

As a  growing kid whenever I complained of a stomach cramp my  Mom along with my grandmom would often tell me to do a traditional form of exercise called the "Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations ", little did I know then that this simple form of exercise has a whole lot of scientific benefits to it.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations is a complete yoga routine and can be practiced by the young and the old as well, as it calms the mind and helps improve concentration. It is a warm up exercise practiced in yoga. Even though it is a warm up exercise a fifteen minutes of Surya namaskar sequence is a great practice to relax and recharge the body for the day.

Daily practice would definitely help burn up the calories.

The three benefits of Surya Namaskar are:

1. Make the body flexible.
2.Tone the muscles.
3.Excellent cardiovascular workout .

It is an excellent exercise for students and children as it calms the mind and helps improve the concentration, reduces stress and anxiety especially during the stressful period of exams.

Regular practice of Surya Namaskar  strengthen the body and add flexibility.  It is  Best work out for muscles as it improves flexibility in spine and in limbs.

Children as young as 5 year olds can start with Surya namaskar. It can do what months of dieting cannot. Hence it's a blessing for women.  Every women no matter working or stay at home should benefit from this Traditional routine exercise!

Surya Namaskar improves your blood circulation that aids in bringing back the glow on your face ; preventing the onset of wrinkles making the skin look ageless and radiant. The sun salutation will help in the smooth running of your digestive system.

There are three paces of Surya Namaskar:
1. slow: Makes the body flexible.
2.medium: Helps tone the muscles.
3.Fast:  Excellent  Cardiovascular workout.

It is Advisable to consult a doctor before you start the routine.

Born with a Silver Spoon!

The New generation have developed a default cynical attitude towards our traditions and practices . We fail to understand the reason ...

Is deep rooted into our culture!!!

In most of the modern homes in the recent times people eat in melamine plates and find it outdated to eat in metal plates. In India it was a custom  to eat in metal plates or leafy  plates only some decades ago, with modernisation we all have forgotten our culture and age old customs, which are harming our own health.

According to Ayurveda every aspect of food has an impact on our health, the freshness and quality of food, it's construction, it's combination, time at which it is cooked, the room and atmosphere and the plate as well.
Different Metals have different effects on the persons health, in India people mostly used Iron plates and some wealthy homes used golden and silver ware as well.

Have you ever thought why the older generation in your house guard their silver dinnerware like a pirate does to the plunder? Well it has a scientific approach towards it, Silver and Gold have germicidal, anti Viral and anti bacterial properties.

More than a sign of economic status a person born with a Silver Spoon is an Indication of a well nourished upbringing!

Bronze plates cure worm infection  and iron plates cures anemia, edema and jaundice. 

Banana leaves generate appetite, infact one can write an entire blog on this Subject. Let me elaborate the benefits though. In severalSouth Indian homes it is a custom to serve food on banana leaves. The custom dates back thousands of years, the food served on these leaves absorb polyphenol so that you get the benefits of the nutrition.

 Banana leaves also have anti bacterial properties killing the germs and thus improving your immune system. Also the wax in the leaves melts giving a flavour to the food making the food taste better.

To summarise, the traditions in the Indian culture may at times seem orthodox but the next time you see a banana leaf for a plate, try to take off your cynic glasses and view and understand it from an open mind....Reason won't be far away!

Family that dines together stays together!

When was the last time you ate with your family? Here I mean not only sitting together but completely cutting off from all the gadgets and connecting together as a family.

Our life has become so complicated these days that we are moving away from our customs and our roots.In India it was mandatory when families sat down together to have their meals.

 It is saddening to see how families today eat between a cricket or a soccer match , work , appointments. Parents and children don't have time to sit down together and share a meal.

Moreover with nuclear families everyone have their own set of responsibilities and liabilities. Studies have shown time and again that eating together not only enhances the multiple benefits of nutritional purpose but many other aspects as well.

The quality of food we eat, love and attention are all essential for meeting the needs of one's mind and body.Studies have shown Kids who regularly have meals with their parents eat more fruits and vegetables and calcium rich foods, ingest more vitamins and nutrients and consume less junk food.

Some research have shown kids who regularly sit down to a family meal have lower risk of behavioral change and are less inclined towards addictions to smoking, drugs and alcohol consumption.

If your schedule does not permit you to have meals together ask the grandparents or the elders in the family to get involved. They are more than happy to share their love.

 Maintain a family food diary Maybe you need to add more vegetables and fruits.Create a happy, relaxed atmosphere by setting up a nice table with a beautiful tablecloth, Flowers and candles, get your kids involved to help you decorate the table or a place where it is noticeable,the  kids will have less cravings for junk food.

 If you live alone, schedule for lunches and dinners with family or friends on a rotating basis.Join a class or some volunteering jobs which can be done to lead a healthier life style and lead to new friendships and dinning friends.