Tuesday 29 August 2017

Say NO to "Depression!!" Correct your Lifestyle.

When was the last time you got extremely irritated , depressed or felt worth nothing? Well, if it was not long ago then you are likely suffering from an eating disorder.
Eating disorder can develop during any stage in ones life but typically appear during the teenage years or young adulthood. It is a condition classified as a medical disorder. Although these conditions are treatable the symptoms and consequences can be detrimental and deadly if not addressed. It can lead to anxiety, disorders, substance abuse or depression.
Although the exact cause is still unknown it is believed that biological, psychological, as well as environmental conditions and abnormalities can contribute to these illness.
Signs and symptoms of eating disorders are:
1. Constant weight fluctuations
3.Irritation and anger
4.avoidance of social functions, family and friends.
5. Becoming isolated.
6.Switching between periods of overeating and fasting.
Anyone from a prince to a pauper can fall victim to these life threatening illness. It is more of an imbalance in your lifestyle and can be corrected with a change in one's habits. With the increase in social media and luxurious lifestyles more and more people are falling prey to these illnesses.
What can be done to correct this disorder? Well, the very first lesson we have learnt from our elders is, "Going to bed in time!" As a child I remember my grandmother often recieting the quote, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a person Healthy, Wealthy and wise!" With the modern western influence on our lives we seem to have forgotten this wisdom taught in every Indian household. Not only Kids, but the new generation grandparents and parents are addicted to the social media and are seen glued to the gadgets till late night. Once we fix this 50% of the job is done. Of course one also needs to correct the food habits and the exercise routine which I will be elaborating in my next blogs...
Eating disorders are also viewed as a western world influence.Thanks to the magazines, commercials, TV. Shows, movies and online marketing strategies which showcase thin women as beautiful..today's standard of beauty look is different from the women in the past. We are made to believe that Thin is beautiful, many of us get influenced and land up in hospitals. Well it is not about eating less it is all about eating correct at correct time. Eating Freshly cooked meals would solve 90% of our problems.
Next time you go grocery shopping try not to go to the supermarket, try to go to a local vendor where you can pick up vegetables, Fruits, and groceries from the local farmer's Market.
What happens when you eat fresh Local food?
1. It gives you fuel
2. It doesn't make you fat
3. You stay away from eating disorders
4. Keeps your metabolism working
5. Keeps your energy levels up
6. Makes you happy
7. Makes you strong
8. Makes you look younger
9. Make you think better
10. Life becomes awesome
Just skip the diets, change the habits
It's Simple... Live, Love and Eat Healthy!

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